Residential: New Construction

Dominican St,
New Orleans, LA
The architects home in New Orleans is a two family of almost entirely new construction in an existing house footprint. The lower level is retained as a rental apartment. The second floor owners' unit is enhanced by a partial third story and a new sloped roof. A large 8.6 kw photovoltaic solar array takes advantage of the long southfacing roof. An innovative polycarbonate glazing system allows for maximum daylight, while providing privacy. The high insulation values keep the heating and cooling requirements to a minimum.

Extended Family Guest House/Garage
Copake Falls, NY
A first project renovated the client's main house, which is a dramatic modernist construction perched on the edge of a high hill overlooking the Catskill mountains. The new guest house and garage were deliberately understated, built into the hill and painted a recessive green. Above a garage and storage floor, the guest house has 2 bedrooms and a large gathering space that can function as a second living room or efficiency apartment.

Country House,
West Stockbridge, MA
Designed as a weekend home that would become year round residence upon the clients' retirement, this house also includes a small get-away apartment for a family friend. The two homes are connected by a 2 story screened-in entry porch with a second floor bridge. The entire building is constructed with SIPS panels achieving a highly insulated envelope.